OPCAE.NET Version Log

OPCAE.NET Client Component

Jan-4-2023     V12.1
OpcAEServerBrowser(Host host) did ignore the host name and return the local machine servers

Sep-6-2022     V12.0
.NET6 DLLs replace .NET5 DLLs.
OpcAENetUA DLLs built with UA add-on V5.0

Jan-29-2022     V11.3
The default DCOM Authentication level is changed to PKT_INTEGRITY as required by the Microsoft DCOM Hardening
Non-static onNotifyUntrustedCertificate2 event added.

Nov-23-2021   V11.2.0.1
Old OpcNetBase.Net4.dll file was in distribution.

Nov-19-2021   V11.2
Added method ComApi.SelectAuthLevelIntegrity(). This method must be called before a call to OpcEventServer.Connect or a call of a method in the OpcAEServerBrowser class.
This is to select the higher authentication level required for remote server access by Windows Update KB5004442

Apr-20-2021      V11.1
.NET5 (NetCore) support added.  
Built with UA option V4.2 that has support for .NET5 added. 

July-7-16-2020   V11.0
Added DLLs for NetCore3.1 (without EventView: user controls not yet supported).
Built with UA option V4.1

Aug-6-2018    V10.0
With UA option 4.0, UA version based on NET4.7.2

Aug-30-2018    V9.2
Property ComApi.CoSetProxyBlanketDisable added with default value true.
ComApi.EnumComputers uses DirectoryServices if Win32 NetServerEnum fails.
Built with UA option V3.2.1
.NET2 DLLs included in the distribution for the maintenance of old applications.

Jan-19-2018      V9.1
Built with UA Option V3.2

Mar-27-2017   V9.0
Updated to Visual Studio 2017. Support for .NET2 discontinued. With UA option V3.0

Aug-19-2016   V8.4
CLSID can be specified instead of ProgID to eliminate need for OpcEnum.
Base for UA option V2.4

Apr-14-2016   V8.2
Additional UA related properties for UA option V2.3

Oct-23-2015    V8.1
Built with UA option V2.1 (enhanced endpoint selection).

Aug-29-2015   V8.0
Upgraded to support Visual Studio 2015, .NET4.6 and Windows 10.

Feb-24-2015   V7.2
Event attributes display improved in EventView control.

Feb-16-2015   V7.1
Fix for UA option: UA subscription was not properly deleted.

Mai-1-2014    V7.0
Upgraded to support the UA Option for access to UA servers thru the same API as Classic OPC A&E servers.

Oct-30-2013   V6.3
Added OnAEeventException event handler to report exceptions in the OnEvent callback handler to the application.
Upgraded to support Visual Studio 2013.

July-6-2013    V6.2
AckCondition() method overload added.

Feb-9-2012    V6.1.1
OPC Fundation 32/64bit Core Components V3.0.105.1 included in the distribution. Advosol 64bit Core Components discontinued.

Dec-18-2012  V6.1
Updated for OPCAE.NET-XI option for OPC .NET(Xi) communication capability.
Bug fix: EventView control threw exception on keepalive event

Aug-31-2012   V6.0
Updated to support Visual Studio 2012, .NET4.5 and Windows8.
The test client is enhanced with the option to define access credentials.

Apr-6-2012    V5.3.1
Explanations added in the Event data classes.
Bug fixes and enhancements in the GetEnbleStatexxx and Enable/DisableConditionxxx methods.

Mar-28-2012   V5.3
Refresh button added in EventView control. .NET1.1 version droped.

Oct-29-2011    V5.2
Added QueryEventAttributes() variant with System.Type result instead of VarEnum.
EventView control didn't properly display the event attributes.
Test Client enhanced with GetReturnedAttributes, SelectReturnedAttributes capabilities.

Dec-13-2010    V5.0.1
OpcNewState enumeration corrected to match OPC AE specification.

Aug-26-2010    V5.0
Enhanced with support for .NET4 and Visual Studio 2010.
All OPCAE.NET assemblies are additionally provided in a version compiled for .NET4.
Wizards and Help are additionally installed into Visual Studio 2010.

Mar-11-2010    V4.5.3
OnEvent handling improved because of issues with Windows7 x64.

Jan-14-2010    V4.5.2
Memory leak fixed in OnEvent callback handler.

Sep-28-2009   V4.5.1
EventView handler thread synchronization enhanced because of issues with ClearScada server.

Sep-12-2009   V4.5
Updated to OpcNetBase.dll V2.0.

Nov-3-2008    V4.4.2
The evaluation setup file has a password.

Jul-18-2008    V4.4.1
Files were missing in Test Client source.

Jul-12-2008    V4.4
Added OpcNetBase.dll with common server access classes to minimize module dependencies in applications that use AE, DA and/or HDA server access (OPCAE.NET, OPCDA.NET, OPCHDA.NET).
EventView filter definition dialog: Bug fix in source selection browse tree.

Mar-22-2008    V4.3
New catch block in the OnEvent .Net wrapper to catch all possible exceptions in callbacks. Exceptions due to invalid data could cause the callback handler to terminate without calling the application.
Bug fix in GetConditionState() error handling. With ErrorsAsExecptions==false some errors were not reported.

Mar-6-2008 V4.2.1
Bug fix in .NET wrapper for methods in OPC AE 1.1 interfaces IOPCEventServer2 and IOPCEventSubscriptionMgt2.

Jan-14-2008   V4.2
Visual Studio 2008 support added.
The namespace AEControls is changed to OPCAE.NET.Controls.

Sep-3-2007    V4.1
The executables (exe/dll) and the the setup package are now Authenticode signed.

Mar-19-2007   V4.0
Updated for Windows Vista and Vista-64.
Bug fix in GetConditionsState.

Dec-28-2006   V3.2
.NET wrapper updated to support 64-bit operation mode.
The TestClient is supplied in a version for Framework 1.1 and 2.0. The FW2.0 version runs in 64-bit mode on 64-bit systems.
The sample applications are now provided with Visual Studio 2005 and 2003 projects. VS2005 is the default if it is installed.

Oct-8-2006    V3.1.1
The enumerator OPCNewStates had wrong values. Documentation index improved.

Feb-20-2006    V3.1
New Installer tool that installs OPCAE.NET indepentend of the available Framework versions.
"If InvokeRequired" blocks were missing in some sample applications.

1/4/2006     V3.0.1
Updated for and tested with Visual Studio 2005 release version.

10/29/2005       V3.0
EventView Control that is configurable and can handle the usual Alarms&Events handling requirements.
Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 support with project templates and item templates.
Error handling can be chosen from two modes, function results or exceptions.
Additional sample application and new DA/AE simulation test server.

4-20-05      V2.2.1
The simulation server registration sometimes returned falsely an error code, causing the setup to fail.

11-26-04    V2.2
Added support for IOPCEventServer2 methods. Client Callback did not always return S_OK.
New simulation server.

04-29-04    V2.1
The method QueryEventAttributes was not declared public.
The EventServer constructor now registers the application and sets the DCOM Authentication level NONE to minimize callback sercurity permission problems.

04-09-04 V2.0.4
CreateSubscription Active argument was not marshaled as a proper bool, causing the call to fail with some servers.

03-16-04 V2.0.3
Distribution re-compiled

08-06-03 V2.0.2
Setup Project compiled with VS2003 to eliminate need for local InstMsiW.exe

08-05-03 V2.0.1
The Wizards didn't work on systems with only VS.NET 2003 installed

08-03-03 V2.0
Wizard and Help installation support for VS2003 and systems with multiple VS versions.
New class wizards to quickly add A&E client functionality to an existing project.
Server Connect methods are improved. For access to remote servers they bypass the
.Net Interop Services so that the server doesn't need to be locally registered.

07-15-03 V1.1
Correction in AckCondition and TranslateToItemIDs

01-06-03 V1.0
Initial Release
